Speaker: Melissa Smith

Serving with Grace

In his book, “Serving with Grace: Lay Leadership as a Spiritual Practice,” Erik Walker Wikstrom invokes the name of Albert Schweitzer, who once said:” I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know. The only ones among you who will be truly happy will be those who have sought and found … Continue reading Serving with Grace

Serving with Grace

How does serving on committees and doing tasks within the church create bonds and become a spiritual practice? Hear how members of the community do these roles.

Love is the Spirit of This Church

The Commission on Appraisal, in its report, Engaging Our Theological Diversity, cites Robert Miller’s study of Unitarian Universalism, stating “UUs ranked loving as an instrumental value and mature love as a terminal value more highly than did respondents from other groups, religious and nonreligious.” Dr. Cornel West says that “justice is what love looks like in public.” … Continue reading Love is the Spirit of This Church


Unitarian-Universalist faith is a covenantal, not credal faith. We recite our church’s covenant every week as we begin our worship service. What does his mean as we develop our own faith tradition?

Is Education My Religion?

As UUs, we are committed to a lifelong journey of putting our faith into action. How does the educational process, as a component of our commitment to lifelong learning, serve this faith?

“New Year’s Resolutions Revisited”

We are probably all familiar with New Year’s resolutions that are quickly broken, often by the third week of January. How do we align our stated intentions and resolutions with that internal impulse that drives us?