Judy Collins - Amazing Grace
Sunday September 15, 2024-Inviting Grace Into Our Life
Our Unitarian and Universalist ancestors approached grace (love that is not earned, given as a gift) differently, but were beautifully compatible. In this season, how do we invite grace into our life, in Ohio 2024?
Photo: Wick Park Historic District, taken by Bill Badzo.
Rev. Joseph Boyd: Minister
Kathleen Hogue: DRE
Chris Colón: Worship Associate
Terry Vicars: Chalice Lighting
Jeff Crouse: Guitarist and Vocals
Hogwarts Academy at UUYO
Image: Tuyen Vo on Unsplash. “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities,”– Dumbledore to Harry in Book One. What does Harry Potter and Hogwarts have to do with Unitarian Universalism? Find Out more Here.