The Center was founded to offer an opportunity for folks in the Valley to discover liberation through the deep practice of Buddhism. Zazen (seated meditation) and Kinhin (walking meditation) are the foundation, with additional opportunities for study and dharma talks. In addition there are quarterly half day retreats. The Center is affiliated with the Pamsula Zen Center in West Harlem, New York led by Roshi Daiken Nelson. These centers are in the Zen Peacemaker Order emphasizing the importance of Buddhist practice in social action, and the White Plum lineage of Maezumi Roshi.

Meeting in person at 1105 Elm Street, Youngstown and on Zoom: .

The center also offers Friday/Saturday retreats. These are advertised on our calendar and in our newsletter and on this webpage as they are available.

We now have the capacity to take dana/donations online. Link:

Under “What is this payment for?,” simply write Zen.