Present; Louisa Berger, Rev. Joseph Boyd, Andy Crabb, Judy DeGenova, Marguerite Felice, Gene Pusateri, Tim Raridon, Diana Shaheen, Lisbet Searle White
Absent : None
Meeting was called to order by Diana Shaheen, facilitator at 6:04 pm.
Consent Agenda
Check in done. Minister’s report amended too delete reference to Judy De Genova as outgoing board member. Treasurer’s report and minutes reviewed. Motion made to accept, motion seconded. All in favor.
Lisbet reported the virtual forma was difficult but also created more connection with individuals through the small group meetings on Zoom. Pledges have been adequate to meet our budget for 2021.
No changes. Using new equipment to pre record musicians & singers for the Christmas Eve service.
No changes, No committee formed. Lola Lewis still willing to lead committee.
Focus on Christmas Eve service. Jeff Crouse is pre recording from his home studio. Others also pre recording their parts.
Two nominees have accepted, John Shartle & Lanore Jones. The third, Carole McWilson, is willing to serve but has scheduling conflict. Continuing board members agreed to change day/time to accommodate her and will instruct the nominating committee to offer her the position.
Sarah is working completely virtually at this time. See also new business.
Ideas considered were painting sanctuary ceiling before re-opening. Roof issues? No obvious issues at this time. However no one quite knows when the roof was last replaced. All these are over 5,000 limit and would need congregational approval. Discussion tabled for board retreat.
Linda Mohn, Mary June Tartan, Linda Scharf, drivers for Christmas goodie bags ( excepting board members).
Board Resolution
Andy proposed board resolution congratulating Rev. Joseph Boyd on achieving full fellowship with UUA. Diana seconded.
UUA announced GA will be virtual again in 2021.
Cleaning / Janitorial
Marguerite said current cleaning set up is unsustainable and only functions to keep the spiders from taking over. At this time a couple of people show up once a month to do the basics.
She suggested we will need to hire someone by spring to do some deep cleaning.
Ideas considered: hire a cleaning service, share a custodian with another church, hire our own person. Hiring our own was problematic as we offered so few hours it was not attractive for most applicants. Gene said he would look into office cleaners. Rev. Joseph said he would speak with some other churches about their custodial arrangements. Marguerite said Roger, our former cleaner, worked for different churches and a synagogue over the years and they all had dedicated cleaning staff. All volunteer workers (including basic maintenance) is not sustainable in the long term.
2021 Budget Review
Staff salary increase were discussed in more depth when Andy reviewed the proposed 2021 budget created by the Finance committee with us. Louisa said the salary increase can be considered a promotion from office assistant to office administrator. She noted she takes initiative, is efficient and always is willing to do more than the minimum requirements in her job description. All line items were reviewed.
We also discussed looking into changing insurance policies to look for lower rates. Given there are limited church insurers it may not be worth the effort.
If roofing and painting were approved they would be paid from endowment funds and are separate from the maintenance budget.
Gene called the question and Andy proposed a resolution that the budget be adopted and presented as the 2021 budget at the January 17th, 2021 congregational meeting. All approved
Three notices will be sent prior to the meeting in the weekly update. A quorum is considered 30 active members or 25% of active members per the bylaws. The agenda will include approving nominees to the board, asking for three nominating committee members and voting on adoption of the Eight Principle.
Final planning for the annual meeting will take place at a special board meeting on January 7th, 2021 from 6-7 pm.
Facilitator : Gene
Process Observer: Andy
Secretary: Andy
Marguerite & Diana: Thank UU’s
Tim : Bits for the Board
Judy: Time keeper
Diana made motion to adjourn. All approved. Meeting ended 7:58 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marguerite Felice