Present: Louisa Berger, Lisbet White, Carole Mc Wilson, Judy DeGenova, Rev. Joseph Boyd, Tim Raridon, John Shartle, Gene Pusateri, Lanore Jones
10:00 am Check in
We all shared why we said yes to being on the board, what we have to bring to the group, and how we hope to grow.
10:35 Rev. Joseph led a discussion on “What’s a Board to Do?”
Some of the comments:
-herd cats, it’s hard to communicate with everyone
-see the overall picture
-oversee committees and approve their decisions
-guide us in the right direction
-we need more input from committees
-it serves our purpose to touch base with committees each month
Rev. Joseph referred to the bylaws , Article III and Section 6. Summary: We need to use these as our guide and ground our work in the purpose of what our church is about Lisbet recommended the book Governance in Ministry. (Dan Hotchkiss, The Alban Institute)
Lisbet went over the typical board agenda and suggested that we continue to read Board of Trustees Covenant at the beginning of each meeting. We rotate roles to enhance the leadership skills of each member.
11:35 break
Louisa explained how the budget is reported at our meetings. She used a power point to explain what each category is.
Prayer Break – petitions to continue to reach out to the community and to take the lessons that we learned during the pandemic into the new year. Also to be pragmatic and organized.
Lisbet gave an overview of what we would be discussing after lunch.
We set our meeting time for the 3rd Thursday of each month from 6-8.
We assigned roles for the next meeting:
Facilitator – Gene Pusateri
Secretary – Judy DeGenova
Time Keeper – Lisbet White
Thank UU’s – Lanore Jones
Process Observer – Carole McWilson
Bits from the Board – John Shartle
The slate of officers was presented:
President – Lisbet White
Vice President – Gene Pusateri
Secretary – Judy DeGenova
Treasurer- Louisa Berger
Chair of Finance – TBD
Trustees- Tim Raridon
Carole McWilson
Lanore Jones
John Shartle
Carole McWilson moved to accept the slate; seconded by John Shartle, Motion Passed
1:55 Reconvene
Generative Discussion
1. What might it mean to transition to in person worship?
– We won’t be the only ones considering this. See what UUA and other churches are doing
-Seniors who have been vaccinated could be the first at in-person worship
– Blended model – in person worship and on-line worship
– There will be technical issues to deal with
– We need to provide support for all the tech people
– What do we need to do to have an online component for other church events?
For example, worship downstairs
– Provide guided tours of the church building so people will feel comfortable again. – Louisa will get us updated directories.
– Rev. Joseph suggested that a goal for the next pledge drive could be to hire a part-time tech person
2. Our website
-used mostly by new comers and inquirers
-Make our principles prominent
-look in the congregation for people who might be interested in working on our website
-Lola Lewis has offered to head up a team to re-envision the website. We brainstormed congregation members who might be willing to help with this.
-Rev. Joseph will provide the content.
We can also consider interns from YSU
3. 8th Principle – How will we implement it?
-press release
– use Buckeye Review – black newspaper
-look for outreach opportunities in our own backyard
-join in events with black communities
-participate in Boys sand Girls clubs
-Lisbet recommended reading The Tears We Cannot Stop (Michael Eric Dyson)
4. New business
– Building improvements
– LGBTQ+ on agenda for February
– New chalice
Action steps
Lisbet will join up in list-serve with other presidents in the area
Tim will get concrete details from his coworker who is interested in getting involved and has relevant skills.
8th principle – let’s do a press release, Carole, Rev. Joseph and Gary Davenport
Lisbet will touch base with parents to see how RE is going
Judy will look into UUA resources for leadership development
Rev. Joseph will contact Tim Williams about helping with the website
3:45 closing prayer