UUYO: A Joy to Celebrate!

The 2023 Pledge Drive is underway, and the stewardship committee would like to bring your attention to the following excerpt from this month’s Bits from the Board written by Trustee, Lindsay Sinkovich :

Securing our finances.

A decline in pledges caused by life changes, covid and the economy has left the Church in a situation of continual monthly losses. At this time our annual income is just over $40,000 below our annual expenses. We must act now to sustain the rich inheritance going back130 years since the Church’s founding in 1892. While we understand that many are also struggling financially, we ask that you step up to give what you can so we can sustain and pay forward the legacy of UUYO.

What is UUYO Worth to you?
Given the dire, but not impossible state of our finances, the agenda included a prayer session. During the prayer, Rev. Joseph asked each person at the table to take a moment to think about the impact that UUYO has had on their life and to share what makes UUYO valuable to each person. While each person differed slightly in what they brought to the table—a common thread was woven deeply in that each person’s reflection discussed how they had found a community to which they truly belonged and found resounding acceptance. Another point surfaced during the prayer: the fact that UUYO is the only church of its kind in the Mahoning Valley. Without the presence of UUYO, those of the Unitarian Universalist faith would have quite a distance to travel to attend other UU churches in Kent, Cleveland, or Pittsburgh. For a great many of our congregants, this weekly travel would not be an option.  As we enter pledge season, I ask you to consider what UUYO is worth to you, and to pledge accordingly as you are able.

UUYO would not exist without our member’s involvement and support. Our hope is to be here a long time to create positive change in the Mahoning Valley and celebrate the fellowship of our community. Thank you for being a part of UUYO.

How do I make a pledge?

We will have pledge cards available at Sunday Service and during Coffee Hour. You can also stop by the church office for a card. After filling out your pledge card please turn it in by December 6th, 2022.

Click here to print the pledge card. The pledge card will download as a pdf and you can print it after opening.