Speaker: Worship Lead: Kelsey Myers

The Doorway

What is change? Does it come from within or does it come from without? Is it something that happens when we decide to let it happen, or is it something that happens to us? Life is a series of thresholds – and there is nothing good or bad about a threshold; only thinking makes it … Continue reading The Doorway

Read the Blessed Pages

Since the beginning of time, we have connected to each other through the telling of stories. This is how we build connections – this is how we learn about each other. How can we learn to tell our own stories without fear, to learn from the wisdom of each other’s tales?

A Wise Woman Knows Herself

As we begin the month of January with the worship theme of “Integrity,” we will engage how wisdom relates to integrity. When is it appropriate to stay the course, and when is it time to change based on new information? Come Sunday, to discover an educated integrity.

Meaningless Meaning

“Meaningless! Meaningless!” Says the Teacher. “Everything is meaningless.” Ecclesiastes is one of the is one of the bleakest Biblical wisdom texts, but great meaning can be found even in the meaningless. How can we find awe in nothingness and build our own sense of meaning? Join us Sunday for a discussion of the Teacher’s words.

A Day to Which Attention Must be Paid

“Remembrance Day” “Armistice Day” Veteran’s Day” — The Eleventh Hour of the Eleventh Day of the Eleventh Month…The war to end all wars was over in 1918, but conflicts arise with uncomfortable frequency. How do we honor our veterans while holding the secession of hostilities as the true sacred ritual?