Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday, and the “Most Wonderful Time of the Year”

They’re here! The “most wonderful time of the year”—the Holidays —is upon us. A time full to the brim of family and friends, cocoa and cookies, where the cold snow easily melts away under the warmth of so many warm hearts and rosy cheeks. But, the season of giving and gathering also inspires feelings of lack and loneliness for many of us. Relentless advertisements help to remind us   of things we feel we should have, or even need, but don’t have or can’t afford.
Let’s use our time together to reflect on what the season of giving means to us. And take a moment to remind ourselves, even when we feel like we are alone or like we don’t have enough, that we have a bounty of gifts more precious, beautiful, and joyful than any plasma screen TV or new Apple product: we all have each other.