September 10th, 2020 Board Minutes


September 10, 2020

Present: Louisa Berger, Rev. Joseph Boyd, Andy Crabb, Judy DeGenova, Marguerite Felice, Gene Pusateri, Tim Raridon, Diana Shaheen, Lisbet Searle-White

Meeting called to order 6:02 . Check in done

Consent agenda reviewed and motion made to accept by Lisbet, 2nd by Diana. All approved.

Unfinished business:

RE collaboration with Kent begins this Sunday. They are using  “soul Matters” as well as antiracist curriculums. There is no charge to UUYO at this time. They did request two volunteer teachers. Unless there is a change this arrangement will be in place through May 2021.

2020 Website initiative.

Lola Lewis has agreed to assist in our website’s development. We are reaching out to several members of the congregation, especially younger people and newer UU’s  to help us  assess our website’s appeal to a first time visitor, ease of use, welcoming character, etc.

Technology Update

 Andy is building a more powerful computer system for our use. This system will improve our sound quality, allow for simultaneous multiple streams including pre recorded music without the sound quality problems we have been experiencing. And he said a whole lot of other technical stuff. If anyone wants more information please call Andy! Tim & Andy will continue to be training others. Lola and Diana are learning to run the Sunday Zoom worship services at this time.

Stewardship Update:

Lisbet is ably assisted in our 2021 stewardship campaign by Lanore Jones, Trudee Weatherbee, and Sarah Lown. The plan to engage UU’s virtually includes:

  1. Phone calls to all memebers
  2. Postcards inviting members to one of 9 Zoom stewardship sessions . These will be held from October 6th – October 24th. She asked the board to attend the first session. The meetings will be scheduled Tuesday, Thursday & Saturdays to accommodate schedules. The presentations will include 30 second testimonial videos by members.

Pledge agreements will be sent electronically or by mail if necessary for our non computer users. Lisbet & Louisa will discuss the easiest ways for the church to process the pledges.

Driveway Paving

Tim presented information on a permeable recycled plastic grid that can be laid out over a gravel base. Pros : environmentally friendly, no concrete, toxic materials, allows rain runoff.   It appears to be something many hands could help build.  Cons: tripping hazard? 

Unaware of any local contractors performing this work. He will continue to research it. It was decided to also speak with Matt Jones for further analysis & suggestions. Lisbet said she will speak with him.


We have newly printed church cards for our Thank UU’s!

Many thanks this month to  our worship service guest speakers, Matt Jones, Jim Rak, the Sares, Karen Lapidus, Bob Seibold.

We also decided to send Mystery a special gift for her service as interim RE director. Diana & Louisa will research and purchase a gift for her within the next week. It was also decide to have UU kids send her an electronic Thank you card.

CLM (Commissioned Lay Minister)

The board needs to complete an agreement with Melissa regarding what duties she will perform as CLM. Diana has agreed to get the agreement completed by October 1st as well as be the board liaison for her.

New Business:

Care Committee

Rev. Joseph would like Cathy Cajut, committee head, to reach out to families who have experienced deaths due to COVID & other reason in past several months. If the families are comfortable, Rev. Joseph will acknowledge those souls during worship service.


 Susan Miracle and other performers will have an outdoor, socially distanced performance at their home Oct. 3rd as a fundraiser for the social justice committee.  There is a20 person limit for each of the 2 shows. Tickets $20.

Louisa suggested we do a second fundraiser between Thanksgiving & Christmas, perhaps a virtual Trivia Night?

Giving Tree for Big Brothers & Sisters

Marguerite requested board approval to do gift collection for children in the BBS program as we have done over the past 5 years.  Board approved. Marguerite will determine logistics to publicize and collect the gifts.

Christmas Choir:

Tim would like to assemble a choir for the holidays.  Also discussed starting to have hymns in services again. The lyrics can be easily displayed on screen and whoever wants can sing at home! (I so admire those who can sing well! I don’t even want to hear myself singing with no one around)


UUYO has raised 8,573 in donations for BLM signs.  $5,000 from various donors, $1,200 from Equitas, $120 from Youngstown Area PFLAG.

In this house… signs, 50 left, will attempt to sell as fundraiser @ $15 each. Lousia may go to Youngstown Flea. She will talk to organizer about selling the signs there.

Louisa said the YSU football program approached us and asked if we could get them 200 BLM masks. The FB coach is behind it.  Louisa will look into the purchase. Good publicity for us, make the distribution of them a media event.


Rev. Joseph will introduce the 8th principle to the congregation. He would like to see our church adopt this principle at our annual meeting.

We will ask Gary Davenport, our lay minister and head of social justice committee to develop education for the congregation on the 8th principle. UUA has an excellent overview of the history and rationale used in development of this principle.

The 8th Principle

“We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”

Roles for October 8, 2020 Board meeting

Facilitator: Gene

Timekeeper: Diana

Process Observer: Lisbet

Secretary: Marguerite

Bits from the Board: Louisa

Thank UU’s : Judy

Meeting was adjourned at 8:03 pm.

Submitted by Marguerite Felice, board secretary