My heart is with all of you who have been alarmed by the recent war in Ukraine, as Russia’s actions have cast doubt on the future of our world in terms of warfare or peace. Across the world, many are choosing peace, advocating for Ukrainian citizens in desperate need of care and concern. UUYO will join those who are seeking peace, and assisting Ukrainian families, citizens, and those in the U.S. with family members living through this conflict.
Our GiveAway the Plate committee has quickly responded with a partnership between our church and United Help Ukraine. You can find the link for this in your Order of Service, in our Weekly Update, and on our Facebook page. In addition, there will be weekly peace vigils at the Courthouse in downtown Youngstown 12 pm – 1 pm every Friday until the war ends. Please attend if you are able, and I will be there to represent our church.
The values of our church lead us to live a life of peace. We are committed to those who are seeking shelter, asylum, and tangible support – physical, emotional, and spiritual. This support extends to all of you who live in proximity to our church or join us online. We are committed to your wellbeing during these stressful times, and together we will live a life of peace and wellbeing as a world community.
Our actions of peace/for peace will be our prayer. If you need any extra support during these times, please don’t hesitate to contact me at
Peace be with you and with us all, Rev. Joseph
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