Virtual UUYO Board Meeting
October 8, 2020.
Present: ALL ( Louisa Berger, Joseph Boyd, Andy Crabb, Judy DeGenova, Marguerite Felice, Gene Pusateri, Tim Raridon, Diana Shaheen, Lisbet Searle White)
Meeting called to order by Gene at 6:03pm. Check in done, consent agenda reviewed ( Treasurer’s report, September minutes, minister’s report) . Minor corrections made to treasurer’s and minutes. Lisbet made motion to approve consent agenda, Andy seconded.
Lisbet said the team will begin a series of Zoom meetings with members began on October 6th, a second is scheduled for tonight. A total of 9 meetings will be held through October 24th. The goal is to have all pledges in by October 31st. 5 pledges have already been made per Lisbet.
Same issue as previously discussed. Lola Lewis is willing to head a committee but she has not been given any direction from us or any potential committee members. Office assistant Sarah has enhanced color on the website giving it a more welcoming , friendly look.
Andy says we have sufficient processing power to pre-record and handle more functions simultaneously allowing for flexibility and variety in services.
Andy asked board what we noticed about the services since we have been using more equipment. Some technical issues were discussed. Gene & Tim mentioning musical quality. Andy believes some of the musical quality issues would be easier to fix with pre recorded over live performances.
Jeff Crouse may be unavailable for the rest of the year due to his partner’s terminal illness. Tim will reach out to him. Cindy & Tom Smoltzer will be asked by Rev. Joseph for assistance. Gene suggested reaching out to Nanette Solomon as well.
Driveway estimate $4,500 to pave in concrete. Although Tim’s prior suggestion * see September minutes) sounded innovative and more environmentally friendly. There is no one local y who does this and loose gravel is a concern for less mobile congregants.
Diana made motion” I move we go forward with driveway paving project at a cost of $,500 by E.H. Harden Contractors” Yeas: Diana, Andy, Gene, Judy, Lisbet. Tim, Marguerite abstained .
Thank UU’s
Susan Miracle for 20 for 20 fundraising performances , Jeff Crouse, music, Lanore Jones, Trudee Weatherbee, Sarah Lown for stewardship committee .
Briefly discussed other funraisers, perhaps Trivia night. “Lifeboat” raised $800 for UUYO.
Reverend Joseph said series of discussions on the 8th principle will take place in November. He will be discussing the principle during worship as well. The goal is to build strong congregational support by our (virtual) annual meeting in January. The congregation will be asked to vote.
Nominating Committee
We need to activate the nominating committee. At least three current board members ( Diana, Marguerite , Andy ) are at the end of their terms. Louisa will find annual meeting minutes ( which were scribed by Sara King) and see who volunteered then to be on the nominating committee. Gene says he has been a de facto member of the committee for years. Lisbet will run as president. She requested a job description/procedural manual. The bylaws give a basic description of officer duties.
New Business
Rev. Joseph said Gary Davenport said the board minutes are not up to date on our website. Louisa said she hasn’t added them. I said I would send the missing minutes ( July- October) to Sarah in the office and would continue to send to her until the end of the year.
Another ongoing request was for the board to receive the agenda earlier than the day of the meeting. A week prior is suggested.
Roles for November 5th ( corrected from November 12th)board meeting
Facilitator: Gene, Secretary : Marguerite , Timekeeper: Diana, Thank UU’S : Judy, Process Observer; Tim, Bits: Andy.
Motion to adjourn made. All in favor. Meeting adjourned 7:27 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Marguerite Felice
Christmas Choir
Tim discussed creating a viable choir for Christmas Eve service. Lisbet and Tim will research and reach out to potential musicians. Singers ( including Jennifer Boyd). It was agreed planning ahead is essential to have a quality performance.