UUYO Board Meeting June 11, 2020
COVID -19 Edition via Zoom
Meeting called to order at 6:03 pm by Judy DeGenova, facilitator.
Present : Louisa Berger, Rev. Joseph Boyd, Andy Crabb, Judy DeGenova, Marguerite Felice, Gene Pusateri, Tim Raridon, Diana Shaheen, Lisbet Searle-White, Sunshine Wolfe, UUA Central East region liason.
Check in & consent agenda ( minister’s report, treasurer’s report & May minutes) all approved.
Sunshine Wolfe then joined us to discuss the UUA’s recommendation to continue worship and other congregational events in virtual form until May 2021. They referred us to the UUA website articles on COVID-19. They asked if we had read the UUA president, Susan Frederick Gray’s letter. They said the recommendations were formulated by a team of UU congregations of various types, small, large and community across the nation as well as medical/public health experts. A major concern is our congregations tend to be older and more vulnerable to COVID -19.
Sunshine said there have been several congregation “hot spots” in West Virginia where the minister and congregants appeared to have contracted coronavirus after worshipping together despite following physical distancing, not singing and other preventative/sanitizing measures. Some ministers have died.
Comments were made by Marguerite about the impact of the church closure on members, In particular effects on mental health. Concerns were also raised about members without internet access. Tim & Gene suggested we try to have some in person worship/ social activity in an outdoor space.
Sunshine said they have had weekly calls with 22 of the 30 churches they are liaison for and only one is considering meeting. They are extremely small and planned to meet outdoors on a trail. They shared ideas on building connections virtually / with physical distancing. Ideas include increasing programming during the week, drive through care baskets, monthly phone calls to all congregants, writing cards to people especially those who lack internet/email access, doing parallel walks in the park, doing small group ministry through breakout rooms available in Zoom meeting platform.
Practical concerns if we did have in person worship or other activities involve how do we ensure proper cleaning and sanitizing protocols given the recommendation is at least 2-20 second hand washings during the time in the building, how to keep the bathrooms sanitary, how to police people who do not follow social distancing guidelines or take off or come into the church w/o masks. Who would be responsible for enforcing these guidelines? The board generally felt uncomfortable policing the behavior of fellow congregants. We thanked Sunshine for his assistance to the board on this difficult decision. They left the meeting.
A survey of the entire membership regarding in person worship/events is in process. Survey will be conducted by telephone. Ellen & Louisa are coordinating this effort.
We discussed affirming to stay virtual for the next month. Rev. Joseph said he would like a definitive decision on a virtual worship timeline by the board before this Sunday as he is being asked by many people about our plans for resuming in-person events and worship.
After further discussion, a motion made by Louisa to remain virtual until May 2021 unless there is adequate safety to meet in person established prior to that date. Diana seconded. However debate continued so the board moved to postpone the vote. The secretary will send the motion to the board for consideration via email , requesting a final vote by Saturday June 13th.
Secretary Note: The motion was accepted with 5 yeas, 1 abstention by email ( 1 vote not received by Saturday).
Treasurer’s report: (Our discussion continued out of order due to discussion with Sunshine Wolfe). Louisa noted we had a leaking toilet which resulted in a $570 water bill. Jim Rak discovered a unusual source for the leak in the upstairs toilet. Hopefully the problem is resolved. Lisbet suggested we check the meter to see if it is running at Saturday’s work party.
Monthly revenue has been below projections over the last several months. Louisa said we were reimbursed by the endowment fund for the costs of equipment to allow us to do quality virtual worship services and other activities.
Gene noted we have collected about 95% of our projected budget through May. He said this is excellent. However others brought up these are already pledged. What will happen when we ask for the 2021 pledges? Will people donate to listen to a sermon online when we are so used to free online content?
Andy said we could reapply for the PPP. We were rejected due to a technicality regarding which ID to use on the application ( EIN or SSN).
Hiring janitor . Tabled. Roger will go in twice a month to clean the areas used. He will do this voluntarily.
Bylaws: Tabled as decided ay May board meeting.
Capital Campaign: Tabled as decided at earlier board meeting. Finance committee did meet.
Driveway: Louisa has arranged for a estimate on Saturday.
Technology update: Service two weeks ago was completely virtual, no one was in the church. Discussed move to Channing as Rev. Joseph said it was getting rather warm upstairs. The decision was to move when the weather dictates. Tim & Andy said although there is redundancy in equipment it would take some work to move cables. etc. and they would want to stay in place once the move is made. Since the sanctuary would no longer be the backdrop, it is also possible the rest of the summer services could be completely remote. Andy, Tim & Rev. Joseph will make decision on this matter.
Wheelchair Access : Tabled
Music Copyright. License was purchased as we approved at May board meeting.
RE. Mystery will begin virtual RE on Sunday despite minimal response from parents. Suggested inviting non UU kids to attend.
Thank UU’s for June: Greg Doll, Kadey Kimpel, Trudy Weathebee, Sunshine Wolfe.
Minister’s Review: Rev. Joseph left the meeting for this discussion. Andy read all responses for all seven sections that were submitted by the board. All agreed to Satisfactory & strength ratings in all sections. Lisbet will consolidate all board comments and submit a report to the board for their final review. The report must be submitted to UUA by July 1st., 2020.
UU General Assembly: Gene asked if anyone is representing UUYO. Does not seem anyone knew who signed up. It is not free.
Roles for July 9th, 2020 board meeting via Zoom. Thank UU’s: Lisbet/ Bits: Andy (June) Diana (July) / Facilitator: Tim / Secretary: Marguerite/ Process Observer: Gene/ Timekeeper: Judy
Motion to adjourn made by Lousia. Andy seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:11 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marguerite Felice
Board secretary