JULY 9, 2020
Present; Louisa Berger, Rev. Joseph Boyd, Andy Crabb, Judy DeGenova, Marguerite Felice, Gene Pusateri, Tim Raridon, Diana Shaheen, Lisbet Searle White
Absent : None
Meeting called to order by facilitator, Tim Raridon , at 6:08 PM
Consent Agenda ( Check –in , minister’s report, minutes & treasurer reports) . Minutes and Treasurer’s reports approved unanimously.
Unfinished Business
Janitor hiring : Tabled. No plans to hire at his time. Roger will continue to do limited cleaning every two weeks. He is doing this voluntarily.
RSVP is using Channing Hall once a week to pack food boxes for elderly. These are delivered to local seniors in need. They are responsible to clean & sanitize Channing. They are also storing a few items in the refrigerator. 3-4 volunteers do the packing.
ACTION is no longer doing food deliveries.
2020 Website Development.
Website: Before putting more money into playing Nate, we need to develop specific goals . In other words , what do we want the website to accomplish? This will save money in the long run.
Tech Update: (also see generative discussion):
Move services from sanctuary to Channing because of heat? Do we need to do services in church at all if the sanctuary is not the backdrop? Continuing issues with sound quality with live music especially from Smoltzer’s home.
Suggestion for sermon from minster’s home if we aren’t using sanctuary due to hot weather. Tim / Andy said hardwire connection instead of relying on wifi for better sound quality as we did at church.
RE: Mystery has done 3 virtual sessions. A few kids. Not too successful without parental involvement during the session. Lisbet suggested a follow up RE committee meeting. Noted more precise lesson plans for sessions would be useful. Rev. Joesph will speak to her.
Gene suggested we put hiring a new DRE on agenda in the near future.
DRIVEWAY PAVING: No Change, waiting for an estimate from contractor Louisa had look at project. Gravel suggested: Fall hazard. Also drainage issues(manhole cover in driveway?)
Office Assistant; Sarah is working reduced hours. Some tasks just cannot be done from home. Louisa said she has been handling some of these tasks.Decided Sarah could work in the office since no one else is really there. If Rev. Joseph comes in while she is there his office has a separate entrance. Rev. Joseph will discuss with her.
Pledge Letter: Lisbet has reached out to Trudee Weatherbee & Lindsay Sinkovich to assist with 2021 Pledge campaign. Lindsay declined. Trudee Ok’d. Lisbet needs more people to get involved. Names suggested: Matt & Lenore Jones.
Discussed using responses/ suggestion from phone survey currently underway for members & friends which as questions about pledge commitment.
Lisbet will do thank UU’s for July. We will thank Lowell &Ellen Satre, Susie & Rochelle Beiserdorfer, Michael Harvey, Melissa Smith , Lola Lewis, Sarah Lowry.
Gene: He has been in contact with Canfield UMC & Poland UMC ministers, both have BLM solidarity events planned for July 26th. He will bring our BLM signs for both events. The events are both outdoors. UUYO is purchasing BLM signs with holding account funds as well as donations received from the community.
We are continuing a completely online church for nearly another year as of today. We will continue with online events/service streaming even when in person services become normal again.
Rev. Joseph has posed the question: How do we create a virtual worship experience that allows someone to feel like a beloved member of our community? Is this possible?
Our current model is trying to duplicate in person experience online. How do we make it more interactive?
Use of breakout rooms after service has been positive. Allows people to get to know others they may not have engaged with in-person Louisa said.
Andy noted number of worship participants has declined. Diana suggested this could just be because it is summer when numbers typically decline. How many views do services get on YouTube? Typically 5-10 views per service. Services are available to view later in the day.
Other online meetings have had varying success. Meditation attracts 10 people three times a week. Judy said she is a regular and the experience has gone well.
Story lounge was done in June. Format was one week you met for instructions & preparation. The next week to tell your stories. It may have been unclear that you could just listen & not be a storyteller. Interest in trying this again?
In our members & friends survey we have questions on the worship experience and virtual programs. Rev. Joseph expressed he feels most people will want some type of in person environment to worship in. Results of the survey should be available by the August board meeting.
Music has continued to be an issue. Live music varies in quality depending on the wifi strength in the various off site homes such as the Smoltzer’s[MF1] .
Pre- recorded music, as was done at Marcellene’s memorial, works much better.
Andy said we can pre-record but we would need a much stronger computer processor. Discussion to invest in hardware and improve our musical production will be on August’s agenda.
Gene said our endowment is doing very well. It is currently at $350,000 so we have the money to invest in the technology.
Our next board meeting is August 13th, 2020 , 6pm.
Roles: Facilitator: Gene, Secretary: Andy, Timekeeper: Diana, Thank UU’s : Tim, Process Observer: Judy, Bits From the Board : Andy.
Sorry I did not record motion to adjourn or time adjourned. I’m sure we did it or this would be the world’s longest board meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Marguerite Felice