January 9th Special Meeting Minutes

UUYO Special Meeting of the Board

January 9th, 2020

Present via  go to meeting link up were: Louisa Berger, Rev. Joseph Boyd,  Andy Crabb, Judy DeGenova, Marguerite Felice, Gene Pusateri, Diana Shaheen,  Lizbeth Searle-White

Andy  Crabb, president of the board stated the main purpose of the special meeting was to review and approve a FY 2020 for presentation at the January 12, 2020 congregational meeting.

Louisa presented Treasurer’s report. We are running a significant but not unexpected deficit. Our pledges were below projections (92%) and some members significantly reduced their pledges from 2019. However we also received a nearly 9,000 estate donation, which is not earmarked and  can be used for general operation expenses if needed. We discussed whether to present a FY2020 budget using actual v. projected numbers to the congregation.

Also Louisa noted some cost reductions in office expenses and RE director salary. However health insurance & disability insurance premiums are expected to increase. Also Andy noted he would like to increase our contributions to UUA. Diana said we should raise salary for Sarah King, our office manager. All agreed she is worth it. Rev. Joseph also will receive a raise (1-2%).


We discussed hiring of a 1/4 -1/3 time music director. Louisa talked about the duties and responsibilities are organizational and supervisory. We have been well served by Marcellene and Jeff as performers but neither are responsible for directing a choir, hiring musicians or following a budget. We also discussed speaking to Marcellene and local universities about hiring another classical pianist given Marcellene’s declining health. Louisa also said the RIGO fund pays performers but would not be used to fund a staff position. Louisa looked at UUA salary guidelines for congregations comparable to UUYO in size and geography and said we are looking at $18/hour.


Lousia stated we have no further funds to pay Brian to record, edit and stream the services on You Tube & FB. Gene said the audio quality is rather poor. Marguerite noted there was no sound on one You Tube video. Is it worth the cost? Currently the cost is $155/ week. Arguments were made that it attracts a younger generation and can be used to introduce friends and family to what UU is. It was decided we would in the near future show some of the videos at  the service .

These expenses will  be discussed at the congregational meeting as requiring additional funds/pledges to achieve. Andy estimated we will need $20,000 to fund a 1/3 time music director and continue weekly videography .

Andy made a motion we present a FY2020 budget to the congregation based on our current income ($135,825) and discuss the music director/ videography as additional needs requiring funding. All approved.


Tim Raridon was appointed to serve to remainder of Brian Konya’s term.

All board members will bring food for lunch following the congregational meeting on Sunday, January 12th.

The board retreat was scheduled for January 18th at Lizbeth’s home. Louisa requested a move to January 25th.  Everyone OK’d except Lizbet who had already left the call. Andy will ask her at Sunday’s meeting if that will work for her.

Motion to adjourn made at 7:38 PM and unanimously approved.