January 25th Board Meeting Minutes

Board Retreat  Minutes

January 25th, 2020, held at the home of  Lizbet Searle- White in Meadville,Pa.

Present : Rev. Joseph Boyd, Louisa Berger, Andy Crabb, Judy DeGenova, Marguerite Felice, Tim Raridon, Lizbeth  Searle –White and Diana Shaheen. Gene joined us by phone from sunny Sarasota , Florida.

After carpooling from UUYO in Andy’s  van and a tour of the historic  UU church of Meadville, we began our retreat  by  sharing our individual visions of where we want to see UUYO  in a year and in 5 years.


Four major themes emerged

  1. Social media/website improvements
  2. Capital Campaign goals
  3. Green Sanctuary
  4. Staffing


We set up a TV to review our current website, looked at other UU church websites . We discussed the current set up, noted weaknesses and the technical expertise needed to address  them.  We agreed we need to hire a webmaster . UUYO board/minister would direct the content shared.

Also discussed , as noted in the January 9th board minutes, we do not have the funds to pay  a videographer at this time. Please refer to Jan.9 minutes for discussion of this topic.


The board agreed becoming a Green Sanctuary will be a focus. Achieving Green Sanctuary accreditation will be woven into many of the church activities from RE to worship to building & grounds. A committee will be formed ASAP.

Music Director

We discussed need for immediate action on hiring musicians. Rev. Joseph said Marcellene has suggested Tom & Cindy Smotlzer. Rev. Joseph *aid they have agreed to cover the classical music services for February. Rev. Joseph  said Cindy  was open to coordinating the musicians. He will speak to her about doing this on a temporary basis.

Several on the board expressed a preference for a music director who is a professional musician. Rev. Joseph said this would create  a more integrated experience  for the congregation  blending the musical selections with the worship theme.

Louisa said Nanette has offered to play once a month. Tim noted we have a strong tradition of exceptional classical musicians at UUYO and we should strive to maintain that along with other music and is ably provided by Jeff Crouse and others.  A preference would be to have a single dedicated classical pianist who is also a proficient hymnist. At this time performers are paid $100 per service. The RIGO fund helps pay for special  performances such as our Christmas Eve service. The treasurer noted  however that funds were promised to the musicians without the approval of the board/ minister. A suggestion was made that a music committee be formed to make such recommendations.   


Mystery  Wallace has left the area and returned to California because of debilitating migraines.  She has offered to help recruit  teachers to fill in.

Several issues were discussed  regarding the current lack of children attending RE.

Are there fewer children because we don ‘t do a good  job showcasing our alternative “religious education”  program for parents looking for a nondenominational/dogmatic focus?

Or are there just too many demands on parents & kids time and Sunday mornings are not appealing times to have something else to do?

We discussed bringing in parents & kids with alternative activities such as parents night out, summer fun events. OWL was very popular but it did not result in new RE attendees. Currently we will have multigenerational services  and will follow set RE curriculum as teachers are available.

We will do  an in house and public search for a new DRE, looking for a person with an education background who is aligned with our principles & values if they are not a UU.


Louisa has said  volunteers are generally not a practivcal solution to providing more office coverage. Current ly we have no funds to increase Sarah’s hours. We discussed having her in the office one day during the week .

Louisa said VOIP ( internet phone service was out  as was the internet last week. She said the system is not labeled and needs to be relocted form the closet down the hall and labeled.


Bylaws committee will begin to meet in February. Randy Cox is chairperson.

2020 Board Officers

President : Andy Crabb. This is his final year

Lizbeth Searle –White :Vice president

Treasurer :Louisa Berger

Secretary:  Marguerite Felice

Finance Committee Chair:  open

Trustees : Gene Pusateri , Tim Raridon , Judy DeGenova, Diana Shaheen

Financial Reports/Budgets

Louisa and Any schooled  us who are a little slow in this area on understanding the financial reports presented to the board every month.

Installation Ceremony for Rev. Joseph

The Committee on Ministry has proposed March 29th  as the date for a formal installation of Rev. Joseph Boyd as settled minister at UUYO.   The committee requested the board approve a budget for hospitality, etc. for the event.  The board approved.

Sanctuary Railing

Rev. Joseph said  Jon Locketti gave estimate on cost of railing. $65 an hour for labor . Materials are already purchased.

Lizbeth made a motion we approve spending on construction of the long overdue sanctuary railing. Board approved unanimously.

Louisa told us we had been offered a cemetery plot. It will cost $100 to transfer the title. Board approved the transfer.

The next board meeting is February 6th, 6pm at UUYO.

Roles for Feb. 6 meeting

Facilitator: Andy & Lizbeth

Secretary : Marguerite

Process Observer: Louisa

Thank UU’s :Judy

Bits from the Board: Diana

Motion to adjourn made by Marguerite,  seconded by Diana. All approved.Meeting adjourned 4:41 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Marguerite Felice