Our Minister and Staff
Minister: Joseph Boyd
Rev. Joseph is our called Minister at UUYO. As Minister, he has built on our church’s legacy of community engagement and social justice in Youngstown through service as Chaplain for the Youngstown Police Department and Clergy Caucus Chair for ACTION, a grassroots community organizing collective that demands social justice for residents of the inner city. Rev. Joseph has a Masters of Divinity from Union Theological Seminary in New York, where he served as a chaplain at Rikers Island Prison and held a prestigious preaching fellowship at the First Unitarian Church of Cleveland in Shaker Heights.
Director of RE: Kathleen Hogue
Unitarian Universalism and this work is truly my life! Through more than twenty years of experience with Unitarian Universalism with congregations in Tucson, Arizona, Santa Barbara and Santa Monica California, and in Pennsylvania, I have developed a commitment to and passion for nurturing Unitarian Universalist liberal religious values, identity, and spiritual growth within the congregation. For several years, I have been in the role of Director of Lifespan Religious Education including implementing OWL for all age levels, adult education and small group ministry programs. My education includes studies in Pima Community College and the University of Arizona with a major in psychology and a minor in Special Education. dre@uuyo.org
Office Administrator Mary Beth Czifra (More info to come)

Gene O’Brien: Security