Circle Suppers
Circle Supper Group
Second Fridays-6:30 PM
November 10
December 8
January 12
February 9
March 8
April 12
May 10
June 9*
Circle Suppers are a wonderful opportunity to meet new people and get to know those folks you never really get to talk to during Coffee Hour! You can sign up right here!
Circle Suppers are rotating group potluck dinners held at a members’ home. Groups of 6-8 adults come together once a month (second Friday) for 7 months to enjoy a meal together, share community, and get to know more members of our congregation.
The groups are randomly assigned and everyone is welcome. The host may pick a topic (no church business, gossip, religion or politics), but the conversation is unstructured. You can sign up to be either a host or a guest. If you are a host, you only need to select one of the dates for the dinner, make the main dish and then call your assigned guests to coordinate who wants to bring what (e.g. side dish, salad, dessert, wine, etc.). Homemade food delivered to your house! *In June, all groups come together on a Sunday at the church for a grand finale potluck. This is a great way to get those congregants who were not in the groups to find out how much fun was had! Children are included in these gatherings as well. Parents just need to let the hosts know how many.
And all you have to do is wash a few dishes! What could be better! A fun way to spend an evening for both hosts and guests.
To sign up or find out more please contact:
Kathleen Hogue 310-428-7103 OR Sign UP DOWN IN CHANNING HALL AT THE RE TABLE. Or Sign Up Right HERE
Exploring Divinity In a Brewery

You are invited to join in a casual “discussion group” that will meet during the Lenten season to explore what people have thought it means to be divine, the Christ figure, and spirituality in the modern world. These talks will be organized by Rev. Joseph Boyd, Minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Youngstown and a World Religions professor at YSU, and Dr. Ryan Stryffeler, English professor at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania. Anyone interested in open discussions about divinity and our humanity is invited to attend any of the sessions; drop in and see what this is all about!
We will meet on Tuesdays. Next gathering tbd.
Each week we will post a link to a reading we will be using as a starting point for our discussion. Ryan or Joseph will present some background to the reading that week and then we will just jump into discussion.