Board meeting minutes , February 18, 2021
All members and Rev. Joseph were present We all checked in.
We read the board covenant.
Consent agenda Minister’s report Minutes of retreat
Treasurer’s report -Louisa reported that we have had a good beginning to the year Lisbet moved to accept the reports;Lanore seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Ongoing business
Transition to in person worship
Gene suggested that we contact other churches to see what they’re planning.
Louisa said it seems there are a lot of people who want to be physically in the building.
Tim made plans to meet with his coworker who seemed interested in helping with the sound, but that didn’t pan out
Lisbet said we don’t have money in the budget to hire someone to help with sound John said he would make phone calls to other churches
8th principle implementation
John suggested we have a group, outside of the board, and including Gary, which would make recommendations to the board
Carole agreed to be the board liaison to this group
Carole and Lanore suggested we put an ad in the Buckeye Review , just noting our presence and support
Tim likes the idea of participating in events, like Juneteenth Lisbet reminded us that we have a connection with Sojourners
Website development
Tim Williams is not able to help with the website right now.
Louisa is interested and Rev. Joseph will contact Lola who has indicated an interest
Janitorial Services
Rev. Joseph contacted St. John’s Episcopal Church and Rodef Shalom. St. John’s has a sexton and a janitor. Rodof Shalom uses a cleaning service that cleans at the Jewish Community Center.Louisa suggested we get a quote from them. Rev. Joseph will follow up.
Rev. Joseph’s office renewal
Lisbet and Jim Rak prepped the room for painting at the workday. Matt and Lanore also worked in the office on the workday. All plan to go back again.
Tim suggested we designate a place to store all the achievable materials.
Reimagining RE
Rev. Joseph, John, and Lisbet met with parents who have kids in RE. The parents appreciated being heard.
Planning events seems like it would be a draw for kids. Hoping they would receive moral and ethical lessons
Lisbet said she would be willing to recruit teachers from our community
Leadership Development
Judy looked at the resources from UUA. Good materials, but 45 minute videos. May be better for us to look for other opportunities for leadership development
Presidential list serve
Lisbet signed up to be on this
New chalice
Lanore will contact Tony Armeni re: making us a chalice
New business
Membership status questions
After discussion, we decided there is no loss to us if inactive members stay on the rolls. Louisa has reached out to Karen Lapidus re: new members
LGBTQ rights/activism
Jan Grigsby would like to reinvigorate her committee. She has a speaker for our March 28th service.
PFLAG wants to give us a new flag
PPP loan
Louisa has been working on the application. The money has to be used for salaries Louisa moved we apply for this loan. Carole seconded the motion Motion approved.
Sarah’s maternity leave
Discussion led to the recommendation that we pay Sarah in full For 2 weeks she would Not work, then 2 weeks of 10 hours per week, then 2 weeks of 15 hours per week, then back to normal.
Sanctuary accessibility plan
We need advice from people who know ADAS guidelines. Louisa will talk to Leah.
Worship outside
We discussed the pros and cons of outside worship, specifically on the patio
Thank UUs
Lanore will write Thank UUs to Jim Rak, Melissa Smith, Martin Berger, Karen Lapidus, And Lola Lewis
Roles for next meeting; March 18, 2021 Facilitator – Lisbet
Process observer- Tim Time keeper- Louisa Thank UUs – John
Bits from the board – Carole Secretary – Judy
Check out
Tim moved for adjournment; Lanore seconded.
Action steps
1. John wil make phone calls to other churches to see what their transition to in person worship are.
2. Carole agreed to be the board liaison to the group working on the 8th principle
3. Rev. Joseph will follow up with the cleaning service
4. Rev. Joseph will contact Lola re helping with the website
5. Lanore will contact Tony Armeni re making our chalice
6. Rev. Joseph will present our maternity leave plan to Sarah
7. Louisa will talk to Leah about ADA guidelines.