All members except Carol (prior obligation) were present.
We all checked in.
Consent Agenda
Minutes of February meeting
Treasurer’s report -Should we move the website fund into the general fund? Something to think about.
Minister’s report – There was some discussion about Rev. Joseph’s opportunity to teach at YSU. He received a lot of support from the board.
Gene moved to accept the reports. John seconded.
Ongoing Business
Website development -Louisa sent out a survey to Board members as guinea pigs to explore how people use the website and what they like about it.
8th principle – Carol reached out to Gary regarding having a committee to work on implementing the 8th principle.
Sanctuary Accessability -Lisbet, Trudy Weatherby, and Melissa Smith will meet on Saturday to have a site visit in and around the sanctuary to determine which accommodations work and which do not.
Janitorial Services – Louisa is waiting for a quote from the janitorial service from the Jewish Community Center
Joseph’s Office Spruce-up – Jim Rak, Lisbet, and Matt and Lanore Jones painted walls and shelves. All agreed it looks great. Louisa put the information from the membership book onto an electronic document.
Sarah King’s Maternity Leave – Sarah agreed to our proposal for her maternity leave. ( 2 weeks off, 2 weeks at 10 hours/week, 2 weeks at 15 hours/week, then back to her regular schedule,) This will be a paid leave.
PPP Loan -Louisa is still working on the application
New Chalice -Lanore reported that Tony Armeni is on board to make us a new chalice, after he finishes his current project. He will provide 3 options for us to choose from.
Rainbow Flag Installation – We got the newer, more inclusive flag. PFLAG reimbursed us for it. It was suggested that we record the installation of the flag and show it at the March 28 Trans Remembrance service.
Give Away the Plate -Louisa reported that Black Periodt who was the February recipient of Give Away the plate is actually a business. We will find a way to make sure the money is directed to a non-profit.
Requests for renting our spaces- We are just taking names at this point of folks who are interested.
We need to update the guidelines for renting.
Nominating Committee – we need to finalize who is on the nominating committee
On the Horizon
Silent Supper -John brought forth the idea of having a Silent Supper to honor the dead. He has been involved in several of these and said that they are meaningful. Tentatively set for October. We will talk more about it in June.
Dramatic Reading -The Last Days of Judas Iscariot – We will be privileged to watch this reading on April 2nd and 3rd.
Transition to In Person Worship – John contacted the Kent and Meadville churches. They seem to be waiting for guidance from the UUA. The members of the board seem to be cautiously optimistic. Gene reminded us that we have an outside space that we could use. A good discussion followed. Maybe we should set a tentative date in the fall to return to in person worship. This would provide a goal and some sense of hope.
Email addresses – Louisa and Sarah have been working on setting up a . It still is not working. Members were reminded to respond to Sarah’s email asking for us to set up our own addresses.
Time before service – Tim suggested that we make good use of the time before and during the service when we could insert pictures or important reminders. We will discuss this more.
Thank UU’s -Matt Jones, Gina DeAngelo, Sarah Lowry, Trudy Weatherby, Melissa Smith
Next Meeting – April 15, 2021; 6-8 pm
Roles for next meeting – Facilitator – Tim
Timekeeper – John
Process observer – Gene
Secretary – Judy
Bits from the Board – Louisa
Thank UU’s – Lisbet
Motion to adjourn – Gene; second, Lanore.