Author: Mary Beth Czifra

Fall Equinox Celebration Saturday, September 23rd 6:30 pm

Fall Equinox Celebration UUYO & Friends invite you to celebrate this year’s Fall Equinox with us! Come for food, fun, and fellowship as we celebrate the harvest season and the balance of light and dark.Bring a savory or sweet dish to share. September 23rd6:30 PM— Doors Open | 7:00 PM— Opening Ceremony

Living Universalism

Wednesday, July 26th, 7 pm Join us in Schweitzer Lounge and on Zoom. We’ll look at some of the roots of Universalism through Origen of Alexandria and explore modern day interpretations of Universalism beyond Christianity.

Foreign Policy

Sunday, July 23rd, 12:30 pm This might be a good time to look at u.s. policy toward Russia and Vladimir Putin. Are the sanctions working? To what extent? What more can be done short of war?  Schweitzer Lounge

UUYO Lawn & Gardens

Sunday July 16th, 12:15 pm. About 3,000 square feet of lawn we own lies like an empty canvas before us. What could it be doing for our human and non-human neighbors and how may that be achieved? To begin, let’s think creatively together.  Join us in Schweitzer Lounge after Service.

July Minister’s Writing

Universalism – July’s Theme“It must be everybody or nobody,” when questioned who would ultimately be in Heaven . Abraham Lincoln I usually take the period around the 4th of July to reflect on America, and my role in its present reality. I think each of us has a much greater influence on the whole of … Continue reading July Minister’s Writing

Foreign Policy

Sunday, May 28th, 12 pm Schweitzer Lounge Subsequent to the arrest and probable murder of Mahasa Amini by the “Morality Police”, Iran erupted into mass demonstrations. Far more extensive than previous protests. This would be a good time for another look at U.S. policy toward Iran.