“Awakening” : A Poem forApril/Spring
When I wake up I open my eyes before I realize I’m breathing
The cats meow telling me they want breakfast before I realize I’m alive
What does it mean to be alive?
I probably won’t have time for that question until later in the day
After 1-2 cups of coffee, emails, appointments, things left undone
But I make time
I sit up where I am, drowsy and confused
And I feel drowsy and confused
Is this being awake?
Like many of you, I have been following the journey of Ukrainian refugees who have left homes and cultural landmarks that have been destroyed in warfare, unsure of where they can sleep, live, or find a home. I’ve been heartened by the worldwide support of funds, supplies, and person-to-person assistance, including the support from many of you through our church and other organizations. In a time of great catastrophe, coming together to help people recover and live with dignity, is the only real sane response.
Being at UUYO has helped me awaken to the possibilities for that kind of sane response. It is so easy to get mired down in negativity and frustration, and thanks to you, I feel inspired to do what I can with the time I’ve been given to be alive on this earth. Perhaps that is the essence of awakening, our theme forApril – to realize what we have, who we are, and not squander it. It is too easy to squander what we’ve been given by waiting or lamenting what has yet to arrive. But even waiting, lamenting, is important to awakening to what we have and who we are. It reminds us where to focus our care and concern, where we can focus our intention and energy.
May this month of awakening inspire you to kindness and forgiveness – for yourself and for our world. May we come to understand that we are all in this together, and awakening to this fact, is the birth of hope. I look forward to cultivating this sense of hope, tilling the soil of our life, with the intention to wake up.
In faith, Rev. Joseph