August 2021
August 2021 saw us return to Zoom for our monthly Board meeting because of potential inclement weather, but also because of high local rates of virus transmissibility.
We had two visitors to our August meeting:
– former President Andy Crabb, who updated us on our technological standing as we approached our first hybrid virtual/in person service,
– and new Director of Religious Education Kathleen Hogue – who spoke with us about her goals and ideas for the coming year.
A lot of our work these days has to do with how and when we can be together in person. What about small group gatherings? Outdoor gatherings? Worship? We are finding that there are no easy answers, and that vigilance and flexibility are our watchwords. The congregation’s safety is our paramount concern.
Our striking new chalice, created by local Youngstown artist Tony Armeni, has been presented to UUYO in a dedication ceremony. A plaque will be added to the base in memory of members Roger Jones and Rachel Jones.
We are exploring small changes to our sanctuary that would offer increased flexibility and access for our mobility-impaired members and guests.
– The proposed first step is to remove the front left pew (organ side) and move the short wall back 1 row for more space at the front of the sanctuary.
– The pew end caps will be used to create 2 shorter pews with a gap in the middle in the rear, right pew large enough for a wheelchair, walker or rocking chair to used.
– This adaptation would allow greater flexibility for participation in services, as well as seating options that are more seamless with other seated parishioners.
– Eventually we would like to create safe, attractive access to the Chancel from the floor of the Sanctuary.
Our creative juices are flowing about how to be together safely and how to bring Religious Education back as a central focus and mission of our church. Please know you are always welcome to join us from 6-8pm on the 3rd Thursday of the month.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisbet White